вівторок, 30 грудня 2014 р.

HowTo reset a Repository owner system user

1. Stop the Documentum Content Server (Repository) and DocBrocker
2. Go to $DM_HOME/dba/config/<repository name>/ 
3. Backup dbpasswd.txt 
4. Run SQL command in DBMS (change the password of Repository Owner)
 ALTER USER <Repository Owner Username> IDENTIFIED BY <New Password>; 
5. Replace the new password as plain text (<New Password>) in dbpasswd.txt  and save it
6. Go to $DM_HOME/product/6.7/bin/ and run the following: 
dm_encrypt_password -docbase <docbase name> -rdbms -encrypt <database password> 
7. Run Repository and DocBrocker start scripts. 

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